Projecto: Vestjyllands Højskole
Local: Ringkøbing (Denmark)
Duração: 8 meses
Data estimada de início: Fevereiro 2010
Condições: alojamento, alimentação, 1 viagem de ida e volta, curso de línguas, seguro de saúde e "pocket money" pagos pelo Programa Juventude em Acção durante o voluntariado
Tarefas : Vestjyllands Højskole is situated in the unique - beautiful, but also rough and powerful - nature in the Western part of Jutland. We are surrounded by Ringkoebing Inlet, The North Sea, moors, plantation, but are still close to the county capital of Ringkoebing.
The folk high school is one of the most visited folk high schools in Denmark with room for 60 students.
The volunteer will learn how the unique Danish concept: "Danish Folk High School" works by participating in the the daily life at the school.
The volunteer will work in the ecological display garden where he will do both garden work and assist in our ecological building project.
The volunteer will also have the opportunity to participate in a folk high school course of his choice together with the students.
Candidaturas: CV + carta de motivação (ambos em Inglês) até 1 de Maio 2009
Interessad@? Contacta:
Centro de Convergência / GAIA Alentejo
Centro Social da Aldeia das Amoreiras
7630-513 Aldeia das Amoreiras
E: geral@centrodeconve
T: 283 925 032
14 abril 2009
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