18 março 2009


Projecto: Cultural triangle of Prespes
Local: Prespes-Florina (Greece)
Duração: 12 meses
Data estimada de início: 15 Julho 2009

Condições: alojamento, alimentação, 1 viagem de ida e volta, curso de línguas, seguro de saúde e "pocket money" pagos pelo Programa Juventude em Acção durante o voluntariado

Descrição :
Cross-border tourism development for a socio-economical improvement of the local communities around the Prespa Lakes (Albania, fYR of Macedonia and Greece) has been part of our ‘connections’ project until now. But due to the fast increase of the numbers of activities implemented in the cross-border tourism development field we decided to apply for a different hosting project.
The current tourism activities run by CTP are:
1) subproject NEST (Network for sustainable tourism) in the context of the Mediterritage programme – Interreg IIIC. 10 partners from mediterreanean and balkan countries work together to establish local networks of stakeholders, adapt rules for the protection of the natural resources and cultural heritage and implement innovative forms of vocational tourism in the region.
2) “Across the borders: Women of Prespa for Future Economy and Society”: capacity building of women who work in tourism facilities in the villages of Big Prespa Lake in fYR of Macedonia, financed by the Hellenic Aid Department of the Greek Foreign Ministry: a) needs assessment for local stakeholders with emphasis on women, b) creating of a curriculum for ‘establishing a small tourism business’, ‘development of tourism services and improvement of tourism skills’, ‘tourism terminology’, c) training of trainers from the local partner in fYR of Macedonia, d) training of women in fYR of Macedonia, e) promotion of the region
3) Creation and running of a cross-border tourism website (4 languages) for the Prespa-Ohrid region in collaboration with local NGOs and financed by the German Company for Technical Collaboration (GTZ): research on all available tourism facilities, services, prices, contacts, natural resources and cultural heritage, history of the region, tourism packages, etc. All the information will be edited into an expandable database and website in the three local languages + english in order to approach international tourists and tour operators.
4) Familiarization Trips for tour operators and journalists from the region and Western European countries: We organize trips for tour operators and journalists in the region in order for them to include the area in their promotion campaign and packages as well as to promote the area through articles and documentaries
5) Promotion of the region through the website, the NEST subproject and the Hellenic Aid project
6) Coordination of the development of tourism products (packages, thematic trips, etc…): CTP started developing tourism products as to tourism packages and thematic trips on a pilot base.
7) Running of a tourist information center in Agios Germanos: CTP informs tourists about what to do in Prespa, gives info on hotels, taverns and other important contacts, promotes local and traditional products as well as bibliography on the region

Critérios de selecção:
-An interest in tourism and rural development by protecting the environment and promoting the cultural heritage,
-an interest in cross border activities and establishing and running of local networks of tourism stakeholders
-some experience in rural development
-an interest in the fauna and flora as well as the cultural monuments
-Creative enthusiasm
-interest in research
-interest in travelling to our neighboring countries (Albania, FYR of Macedonia)
-Generally a capacity for self-motivation and an experience of rurally isolated communities will enhance the volunteer’s experience.

Candidaturas: CV + carta de motivação (ambos em Inglês) até 22 de Março 2009

Interessad@? Contacta:
Centro de Convergência / GAIA Alentejo
Centro Social da Aldeia das Amoreiras
7630-513 Aldeia das Amoreiras
W: www.centrodeconverg encia.org
E: geral@centrodeconve rgencia.org
T: 283 925 032

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